Saturday, May 9, 2009

Want your story told?

I was thinking that if this blog takes off I would like to have some regular posters other than myself to add to the baristalogues collection.

It can be a one time thing to get something off your chest... or if you are interested in making a regular appearance on baristalogues that could be arranged as well!

Here are the requirements:
  1. must be employed for formerly employed by starbucks coffee company (if you work at another coffee shop, like seattles best, petes, caribou, or an independent... I may be willing to make an exception for extraordinary stories)
  2. posts must either gossip about customers or corporate decisions. they can be positive or negative.
  3. negative submissions about coworkers are not allowed. believe me you want to protect yourself and even with an alias you might get in trouble for posting on the internet about coworkers/managers. so lets just not go there.
  4. decent grammar and spell check a must. I know my grammar is not perfect so I dont expect yours to be. But halfway decent grammar is just a must.
  5. YOU MUST HAVE AN ALIAS NAME. hey this is your chance to get creative and have fun... but lets keep things slightly clean ;).
Lastly submissions must be sent to: where I will post the submission on here under your alias if it meets my standards.

If you are willing to do this on a regular basis and your stories are amusing we can set this blog up so that you can have access to direct posting and it will not have to go through me first.

I think this could be great. I would love to hear stories from baristas all over the nation... and internationally. It would be amazing.

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